
Eve online mining guide 2017
Eve online mining guide 2017

  • force fields (tells you if a tower is actively maintained or not).
  • 2.2 What you want to see (on your dscan)Ī short list what you would want to see on your dscan when hanging out in wormhole space:


    You can’t be sure it’s a actually full report on the ongoings and a quiet system doesn’t mean there are no hunters. If you wan’t to push your paranoia a bit, you can also lookup the system on. This will give you an overview on what’s up. You can take your time, and lookup the J-number of the wormhole you entered here. During that time you can evaluate your situation. Like when jumping through gates you get the one minute cloak. Now that you have a first idea, it’s time to dive!Īfter you leaped through the wormhole DON’T MOVE! Always check first, what you’r directional scanner is showing. I use this website, to check where a wormhole will lead me to: anoik.is I was lazy and stole this screenshot from  – shame on me. Not knowing what might be waiting for you on the other side, do you? (Well, actually you never know that, but) You can get a bit more intelligence, by checking out the number of the wormhole which is displayed in you overview/info-window. Woooohoo! Wait a second! You didn’t want to jump in that wormhole head first. Now, when you warp to this bookmark, you will land on the spot the next time you warp there. Warp to it first, set the bookmark from your overview or directly in space. If you now warp to the bookmark, you will not be able to jump through instantly. If you set the bookmark from there, it will end up a few kilometers (~8 km) away from the actual Signature. Please, don’t do it in the window of the Probe Launcher. What we want is the “unknown”, in the description, which means it is indeed a wormhole – not a connection to other known space.īack to bookmarking. In fact, when something finds you in your little Venture, you are most likely dead in any J-space. The higher the class, the more “dangerous” the space in theory. Oh, err…, I should say something about wormhole classes too, right? Well, I keep it short: there are six classes of wormholes. Perfect! That would be some kind of C6 (because it says “deadly”). This wormhole seems to lead into deadly unknown space. There will be something like *reads in deep dramatic voice*: Oh, you ask me what a suitable wormhole is? That’s easy: check out the info-window of the hole. When you have found a suitable wormhole – bookmark it. So start to scam – sorry – scan down Cosmic Signatures in space. But you can watch them later, for now continue reading and you will understand why you need that knowledge.įirst of all, you want to find a wormhole. If you haven’t much experience in scanning, I strongly recommend, you watch this three video guides. Thanks.Īnyhow, now that you got the ship, you need to find some smelly space-farts. Ah, but why the hell would you read that guide then? You already know what you’re doing, right? Looking for mistakes? Yea, post in the comments if you find some. Would be very kind of you. If you have trained the necessary skills and ISK, you might also have a look a the Prospect. But of course there is one problem: The skill to operate the Gas Cloud Harvester Moduls costs 24 million ISK. Very affordable and a single successful trip should easily replace the costs. This fitting should not cost you much more than 6 million ISK. To give you an Idea, here is a Ninja Gas Mining Venture, which I would use.

  • A Probe Launcher and a set eight Probes (you won’t find what you seek without it)Įverything else is more or less optional, and personal preference.
  • Gas Cloud Harvesters (ideally two of them).
  • Mining & staying alive (imagine the Bee Gees singing the whole time).
  • You will need to invest about 30 million to get started. So here is how “ninja gas mining” is done on a budget level. And yes, you can learn the skills and use all the required ships & modules on an Alpha account! Gas mining is considered one of the most profitable methods to gain some dank ISK for newer players.

    Eve online mining guide 2017